Bio-Process Innovation (BPI) is the founding branch of Bio-Process Group and has been collaborating with a diverse range of stakeholders across several industries since 1984. We work closely with agricultural groups, entrepreneurs, technology developers, research companies, and government agencies worldwide to develop and optimize profitable and sustainable solutions to bio-engineering problems.
Bio-Process Innovation Services
Research & Development
We work with clients on new sponsored or collaborative R&D projects as well as on the improvement of existing technologies.
Process Modeling
Our process modeling services help you to define the scope and scale of your project, assess potential risks and uncertainties, and calculate expected returns to capital investment.
Lab Scale Validation
Our lab is equipped with a wide range of analytical equipment, bio-reactor systems and a library of fungal and bacterial strains to assess and optimize your process at lab scale.
Technology Scale-Up
Our pilot facility gives you the opportunity to optimize your process technology and find scaling solutions in order to minimize risk before executing the process at a large scale.
Bio-Process Innovation yeast flocculation technology allows for an easy separation of beer and is ideal for consecutive-batch fermentations (recycling yeast).
Bio-Process Innovation Specialties
Fermentation Technologies
Bio-Reactor Design
Bio-Separation Technologies
High Value Co-Products
Bio-Process Innovation Patents
Method of use of a multi-stage reactor-separator with simultaneous product separation
Contact us with business inquiries or to schedule a tour of our facilities.